[dbencrypt] is used to create an encrypted copy of a database using a database as the source.
Encrypted databases are written out by WebDNA, the newly encrypted database file name must end in "_encrypted.db". WebDNA will write the new file if it does not exist.
Encrypted databases are written out by WebDNA, the newly encrypted database file name must end in "_encrypted.db". WebDNA will write the new file if it does not exist.
Parameter | Description |
from | The name of the database to be copied and the path to the db if required. |
to | The name of the NEW database and the path to the db if required. |
overwrite | (optional) T/F defaults to F. Allow an existing database to be overwritten. |
Example WebDNA code:
[dbencrypt from=/data/original.db&to=/data-encrypted/copy_encrypted.db&overwrite=f]
Error message when a db attempts to overwrite a db when overwrite is blank or set to F or f
File exists and OVERWRITE not set
Encrypted databases are portable, this means that the encrypted databases can be used on another server with a different copy of WebDNA that is version 8.6 or higher.