
To list all the variables that are passed in a form or url, [formvariables] will display them all in name-value pairs.
[formvariables][name] = [value][/formvariables]


Name(Optional) The name of the field to list.
 Exact(Optional) T(rue) or F(alse) whether to exactly match the name of the parameter or match any name that contains the "name" value. (Default value is true).
Form(Optional) Use form=include to retrieve the list of form variables from the [include file=xxx&var1=yyy&var2=zzz] tag in this template.

Tags available inside a [formvariables] context:

[index]A number indicating this variable's placement in the list
[name]The name of the variable
[value]The value associated with the variable
[break]From v8.1, if the [formvariables] context sees the [break] tag while executing a loop, it will stop looping, once it finishes the current loop. Thus the [break] tag should only appear in a [showif] statement that is evaluated at the end (bottom) of the loop.

This context is extremely useful to debug a form.
To display a list of all the form variables available, put a [formvariables] context into a template.

Example WebDNA code:
The following will list all the form variables available to a page:
  [index], [name] = [value]<br>

The [formvariables] context has optional parameters in order to modify the list of form variables produced.
Example WebDNA code:
The following are the values of all the form variables with the name "text":
[formvariables name=text&exact=T]
  [index], [name] = [value]<br>