
Lists all the currently open databases.
[listdatabases] Database Tags [/listdatabases]

The following tags are available inside a [listdatabases] context:

the name of the database (can be a partial or full path).
[index]A number from 1 to the total number of databases, indicating this database's index placement in the list.
[numrecords]The number of records (rows) in this database.
[numfields]The number of fields (columns) in this database.
[memoryusage]Woukd show the RAM usage for a specific database.
[format thousands 0d][math][memoryusage]/1024[/math][/format]K
[xxx]Any other WebDNA tag or context, including [ListFields]
[listfields path=[name]][fieldname], [/listfields]
[break]From version 8.1, if the [listdatabases] context sees the [break] tag while executing a loop, it will stop looping, once it finishes the current loop. Thus the [break] tag should only appear in a [showif] statement that is evaluated at the end (bottom) of the loop.
Example WebDNA code:
  # Records:[numrecords]<br>