
To display a list of all the MIME headers available sent from the remote browser, put a [listmimeheaders] context into a template.


NameThe name of the MIME header to list.
ExactT(rue) or F(alse) whether to exactly match the name of the parameter or match any name that contains the "name" value. (Default value is true.)

Tags available inside a [listmimeheaders] context:

[index]A number indicating this mime header's placement in the list
[name]The name of the mime header
[value]The value associated with the mime header
Example WebDNA code:
  [index] [name] [value]<br>
Results: This will return a list of ALL the MIME headers available to the page.

Example WebDNA code:
[listmimeheaders name=HTTP_HOST&exact=t]
Results: This example returns the value of the MIME header HTTP_HOST, in the case of this page the value returned will be, note that https:// is not returned.