
[SQLresult] is used to display the result of a [SQLexecute]


(or just 'ref')
(Required) - The name of the SQLResult variable you created with a prior execution of [SQLexecute] (the value you set for the "result_var" or "var" parameter)
The following tags are available inside a [SQLresult] context:
[commandtext]The SQL command string that was executed via the [SQLexecute] context.
[numfound]A number indicating how many records were returned as the result of the SQL statement (a 'select' statement in most cases). Some SQL statements will not result in a record set, i.e. DELETE, INSERT, DROP, etc... In these cases [numfound] will be zero.
[numfields]A number indicating the number of fields in the returned record set.
[numrowsaffected]The number of rows changed by an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE command.
[insertID]The insert ID of a successfull INSERT command.
[founditems]...[/founditems]Normally you put a [founditems] loop inside a [SQLresult] context to retrieve the records resulting from a SQL SELECT statement, so you can display all the matching records. You can put any record set field name inside the [founditems] loop to display them in HTML.There are other SQL commands that will return a records set. For example, in MySQL, the following statements will return a record set:
"show tables;"
"show processlist;"
"describe <table>;"
Example WebDNA code:
[SQLconnect dbType=MySQL&host=]
  Connected successfully

[SQLexecute conn_ref=conn1&result_var=rs1]
  select firstName,lastName from employees;

[SQLresult result_ref=rs1]
  [numfound] records found<br>
  <table border=1><tr><th>First Name</th><th>Last Name</th></tr>

It may sometimes be the case when any or all of the db fields are to be returned:
Executing 'Select * from mytable' will pull all field values into the record set. If the db fields are unknown, [listfields] will return the field names from the data set.

Example WebDNA code:
[SQLconnect dbType=MySQL&host=]

[SQLexecute conn_ref=conn1&result_var=rs1]
  select * from employees;

[SQLresult result_ref=rs1]
  [numfound] records found<br>
  <table border=1>

You can also use [field], inside [founditems], to retrieve field data by the fields position in the records set.

Example WebDNA code:
[SQLconnect dbType=MySQL&host=]

[SQLexecute conn_ref=conn1&result_var=rs1]
  select * from employees;

[SQLresult result_ref=rs1]
    [loop start=1&end=[numfields]]
      [field seek=ordinal:[index]&get=NAME]: <b>[field seek=ordinal:[index]&get=VALUE]</b> [hideif [index]=[numfields]]- [/hideif]