
The server waits until the specified file appears on disk, then executes the WebDNA inside the context.
[waitforfile file=newFile.txt]
Some WebDNA to parse once newFile.txt is present

To perform an action as soon as a file appears on disk, put WebDNA inside of a [waitforfile] context. The server waits until the specified file appears on disk, then executes the WebDNA inside the context.


file(Required) Path to the file that will appear in the future. If the file exists on disk already, there is no waiting.
timeout(Optional) Number of seconds to wait before cancelling the operation. No WebDNA inside the [waitforfile] context will be executed. Defaults to 30 seconds if not specified.

WaitForFile will wait a specified number of seconds (default 30) until the file appears. The template will not finish executing and the HTML will not be returned to the visiting browser until the WaitForFile finishes.

You can write WebDNA that learns if the WaitForFile timed out:

Example WebDNA code:
[waitforfile file=FileToWaitFor.txt]
Some WebDNA to execute if the file is found
[showif [succeeded]=T] File was found! [/showif]
[showif [succeeded]=F] File was not found! [/showif]

See also [wait]